Persephonie Nicole Estrada was born to Jonathan Estrada and Paquita Blanks on December 19, 2000 at Kaiser Permanente in South Sacramento. Labor pains began at 6:00 that morning and she came out at 5:59, 11 hours and 59 minutes later. Besides all the nurses and doctors, Jonathan and Paquita were all alone in the room. When she came out Paquita was in shock and I cried. (Surprised?)

Many family members came to visit while we were in the hospital including Grandma Gina, Auntie Charlotte, Auntie Frailyn, Auntie Tina, Auntie Stephanie, and Great-Grandma Jean. Many friends also came to visit the new baby including Auntie Kiki, Dejana and Gary, Uncle Bryan, Uncle Rodney, Steven, David, and Kerpal. (Although everyone except for Bryan didn't get to see her)

Persephonie's statistics:

Height: 18.5 inches

Weight: 7 Pounds 12 Ounces

Persephonie enjoys eating, sleeping and passing gas. She smiles when she hears her mother and father's voice and after she takes a boo-boo. She especially loves to hear her father's interpretation of Aerosmith's "Don't Wanna miss a Thing," Three Doors Down's "Kryptonite," and "Twinkle Twinkle." She also loves her mother's rendition of "The Children are the Future," "Deliver Us" and "Hush Little Baby."

Pictures of Baby Persephonie

The new baby and the new mommyThe New



Big cheeks and deep dimplesBigdfdf


Bathing in the sinkbat


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Email Jon-Jon: [email protected]